Next Step Classes

What's your next step?

Next Step classes provide a starting place for your relationship with Jesus Christ as well as with Hope Church. Each of these classes are offered in a monthly cycle at 11:30am. Email to let us know you're coming or to ask any questions.

WHAT: The class takes an overview of how a person can get the most out of their time at Hope Church. It is also the first step on the path to membership.

WHO: All adults

WHEN: 1st Sundays of each month at 11:30 am

WHERE: Room 4 - East end of the building

LEADER: Rick Myers


WHAT: A walking tour of the different Sunday morning volunteering opportunities are available at Hope Church.

WHO: All adults

WHEN: 2nd Sundays of each month at 11:30 am

WHERE: New to Hope Pavilion

LEADER: Rann Coker


WHAT: A look at what the Bible says about Baptism.

WHO: Everyone (Kid's Baptism Class meets at the same across the hall)

WHEN: 4th Sundays of each month at 11:30 am

WHERE: Adults - Room 4, Kids - Room 1

LEADER: John Mark Anderson (Adults), Rhonda Gayle (Kids)