Growth in the Christian life requires intentional effort beyond church attendance.
Horizon is an opportunity for you to grow as a Christian, make friends you can grow with, and understand what it takes to make a difference in the world. Develop the perspective and values necessary to experience and grow a God-centered life that is full of meaning.
For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord.
Ephesians 5:8-10 NIV
Horizon is designed to help you “find out what pleases the Lord” and take steps to further establish yourself in your walk with God.
You will learn the essentials for living a life that pleases God by:
Reading the Bible, building practical habits for Christian living, studying what God says about different arenas of life, and learning to choose His ways.
Horizon is 8 months long & includes some homework, meetings, and additional experiences throughout the program.
As a member of Horizon, you will be provided with a leader and group of people to walk with through the program.
They will provide encouragement, support and a “pack to run with” as you go through the material and experiences in Horizon.
Horizon covers a variety of skills and topics that are key for doing what pleases God

Frequently Asked Questions
What kind of homework is involved?
Read the Bible: About 3 chapters of the Bible every two weeks.
Watch online videos: About 30 minutes of online videos every month.
Build a spiritual discipline: Consistently practice a spiritual discipline with the goal of building a habit.
Memorize Scripture: One verse for each of the 3 books of the Bible read during Horizon.
What are the meetings like?
2 Sunday morning meetings per month at Hope during the 2nd service. (10-11 am)
Engaging discussion with your group members about what you're learning.
Meet and hear from guest speakers from other areas around Hope.
Childcare is provided.
What other experiences are there?
Monthly Values Experiences outside of Sunday meetings with your Horizon group and leader.
3 Experiential Trainings (usually on Saturday mornings at Hope) which include hands-on training, discussion, and debrief about specific events in the Bible.
What does it cost?
Each member of Horizon is charged a one-time fee of $20 for access to the website for the duration of Horizon.
Can I just try it out?
Yes, you only initially commit to the first two months of the program so you can decide if Horizon is a good fit for you. (Don't worry, we still like you either way.)
What if I know I will have to miss 1 or 2 meetings due to my schedule?
That's okay! If you miss a couple meetings, you can still meet up with your leader to get caught up.
When does Horizon Start?
The 2018-2019 Horizon Program will begin near the end of August 2018 and end in the first week of May 2019.
Do I have to be a Hope Member to join Horizon?
No. Church Membership is not a requirement.
Is there a minimum age to be in Horizon?
Horizon is for those who are beyond high school age.