(for Younger Girls)

“…overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us. Romans 8:37 (NLT)

Every day young girls are bombarded with images of who they could or should be. 

The media and marketing geared towards these young ladies often causes them to believe things about how life works that aren’t really true and takes them down a path that leads to destructionmessed up lives based on wrong beliefs.

Jesus came to show his followers a better way! During his brief ministry on earth, He showed them a whole new way to live that would change their lives (and ours) forever. (In fact, His followers would go on to become a part of the most significant movement in the history of the world!)

Victory Steps is a curriculum designed for young girls (ages 5-8) to help them take their first steps toward the victorious life available to them through Jesus Christ. By realizing God’s unconditional love for them, recognizing the lies of the world, and discovering God’s winning ways, girls take their first steps down a path that leads to abundant life. 

Girls learn that “God’s way is the best way,” and learn to make choices accordingly.

Why do girls need Victory Steps? The enemy is alive and active in the lives of our girls today. He is constantly trying to convince them that God doesn’t love or care about them, that they aren’t good enough, or that it’s “all about me!”  

We must teach them the truth: Because of His great love for us, God sent His Son Jesus to earth to rescue us from the enemy and to help us discover the victorious life He created us to live

Together, we will discover His winning ways … one step at a time.


Girls see themselves as unconditionally loved by God and placed here for His purposes. They learn five of the Winning Ways Jesus taught people to live. They are motivated to respond to the lies of the enemy God’s way because they understand God’s way is the best way. 

Parent Guide

What Has My Child Learned?

Got questions?

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